maanantai 29. lokakuuta 2012

Being an exchange student

Olin viikonlopun Vegasissa, mut kerron siitä lisää ku saan kuvat koneelle! Joku oli facebookissa linkannu mahtavan sivuston vaihtareista meiän vaihtariryhmää ja täällä mä nauran ku nää on niin hauskoja ja osuvia! Täs on niistä ehkä ne osuvimmat mut melkeen kaikki tolla sivustolla täsmää :-D

When your counselor asks you how things are going:

When someone inadvertently thinks you're a local: 

When you're asked what you've been doing in America:

When you want to hang out with your exchange student friends:

When your (English) teacher gets things wrong, and you're just like:

How you felt when you boarded the airplane:

When your language abilities have improved:

What consumes your thoughts 90% of the time:

When you start to attempt to say something, but then give up:

When another exchange student is way more fluent than you:

When you try to start a conversation with someone, but it comes out like:

When you think about going back home:

When your parents send you food from home:

When you realize how much time you've been abroad:

When you try to do the same homework as the rest of your class:

When you're asked which country is better - home or host:

When you start forgetting word from your native language: 

When you have emotional epiphanies about your exchange year:

When you realize how much nutella you've eaten:

When you get accepted into your first choice country:

kuvat täältä

4 kommenttia:

  1. Haha lueskelin iteki ton sivuton läpi, ku se linkattiin sinne ryhmään :-D nauroin oikeesti vatsani kipeeks, ku nää oli nii hauskoja!

  2. hahahahah taa oli ihan mahtava !! :D
